Create, use and share meaningful test results
The turimbi strip reader improves reliability and documentation of your test strip results. No installation required, the WebApp runs in the browser of your smartphone, tablet, or PC. Try it for free.
Reliable results – now!


How to use turimbi strip reader


Take a photo of your teststrip – upload and get the result. It is that easy. For the photo very little requirements apply. Just create the background yourself using regular white printer paper. Print the turimbi background pdf or – if no printer is available – use something dark on top of the paper. Follow the instructions and easily get perfectly readable images. More information


Download all data created with the method as standard CSV-file. Import your results into standard office software on a variety of platforms like Excel, Numbers or LibreOfficeCalc and use them in your QC reports. Future updates will also allow to automatically send messages on certain events and enable embedded QC workflows. Position information obtained in the images will allow to use data in geographical information systems (GIS). More information


turimbi scientific data exchange is the face of the turimbi strip reader. It provides a store with all available methods. Just select a method and add it to your MyMethods. Then, invite others to share the same method with you. In this way, test results obtained by yourself and others in your group will go into the same pool. You can easily share and comment data. More information


A hobby project of three data enthusiasts

Who we are

This founding image shows the original crew at the time when we launched the first web site in the pandemic autumn of 2021.

Christian is the founder and CEO of the company. He has been working in the test strip industry for more than 20 years and today leads a team of product managers in the area of rapid tests. He started programming during his PhD thesis in the late 90s. He has initially been the driving force behind the design and the development of the project.

Angie contributed her experience in design and social media. She deserves the praise for the complete look of the website.

Philipp comes from the sales side of things and led us to focus on customer perception. His contacts brought us the first beta testers of the strip reader.


What we do

Found in 2020, turimbi uses web-based cloud technology to improve reliability and documentation of rapid test results. For many years, professionals as well as chemical laymen like using rapid tests in their everyday routine. Tracking back results is sometimes challenging, though. The turimbi Strip Reader will eliminate the subjectivity of visual test strip reading.

Just upload a photo to the website and receive a reliable reading that you can easily process or share within your group. Turimbi Scientific Data Exchange seeks to merge documentation and QC of classic lab information systems with the easy access and data sharing capabilities of social media platforms. Our goal: if you can use your browser you can create, use and share meaningful test results.


Why ``turimbi``?

Christian is often asked what turimbi stands for. The easy answer: there is no deeper meaning behind it, it’s just a name. In fact, turimbi was the name of Christians character in an early pen and paper fantasy role play, and yes, it was people sitting around the same table talking what they would do with their characters – unbelievable isn’t it? When looking for a name of the company he remembered this name, checked if the URL was free and immediately registered. And that was it…


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